Portland has sewer pressure lines (Fanno force mains) which lie underneath the Fanno Creek Trail. BES must work with Washington County LUT to ensure the project does not disrupt/damage the sewer lines. Paul Suto ,Chief Engineer Paul.suto@portlandoregon.gov and Aaron Abrams, Public Involvement Program Manager Aaron.abrams@portlandoregon.gov
THPRD maintains the Fanno Creek Trail & vegetation along the corridor. The park district has the goals of preserving the integrity of the trail & the public's use of it throughout the duration of the project. Greg Creager, Nature & Trails Supervisor g.creager@thprd.org
The County LUT required a flood plain alteration application, it was filed and the LUT approved it. See application on this site under Documents & Communications. Sean Harrasser, CFM Associate Planner, Washington County LUT, Sean_harrasser@co.washington.or.us
CWS focuses on storm drainage, both temporary and post-project conditions. Current PGC application filed January 2023 is on this website under Documents & Communications. Lindsey Obermiller, Environmental Plan Reviewer, ObermillerL@CleanWaterServices.org
DSL, DEQ, & the Army Corps co-process the Joint Permit Application, the primary application to eliminate the wetland. Each agency has a different focus & set of requirements. The JPA is the primary application and its approval is a prerequisite to any action by any other agencies involved. Application is on this website under Documents & Communications.
Michael DeBlasi, Aquatic Resource Coordinator, DSL, Michael.deblasi@dsl.oregon.gov
Michael Neal, PWS, Regulatory Project Manager, US ACOE, Michael.T.Neal@usace.army.mil
Haley Teach, Project Manager, DEQ, haley.teach@deq.oregon.gov AND Shelley Tattam Shelley.tattam@deq.oregon.gov
OWRD oversees how PGC exercises its water rights to take water from Fanno Creek & Woods Creek and store it in their irrigation pond. PGC is not authorized to exceed its established water rights before or after completion of the dredge project. Water usage can only be verified through metering. Jake Constans, Watermaster District 18, Jake.w.constans@water.oregon.gov
ODFW addresses the needs of native species that currently exist in Fanno Creek. Lauri Brewster, Habitat Biologist, lauri.b.brewster@odfw.oregon.gov AND Steve Niemela, Watershed Manager Steve.a.niemela@odfw.oregon.gov
Washington County is structured as a Council-Manager form of government, giving the five-member Board of Commissioners legislative responsibility, they are also the governing board for Clean Water Services. The area we advocate protecting lies in District 1.
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