check out how beautifully green this functioning wetland is. Surrounding trees include birch, hawthorn, willow, plum, bird cherry, alder, cottonwood & Doug Fir. Under the current plan, this entire area will be CLEARED and sediment bags placed directly *on top of* the entire green wetland. You can see the Fanno Creek Trail on the periphery of the video.
on the Pinger Property.
Lauren Bishop from Pamplin Media/Beaverton Valley Times wrote on the proposed project:
Wetlands are areas where water covers soil all or part of the time. Wetlands are important because they protect and improve water quality, provide fish & wildlife habitats, store floodwaters and maintain surface water flow during dry periods.
Lots of wonderful resources in this state of Oregon page about why wetlands are important and the myriad of purposes they serve in our community. In their words ". . . continued protection, conservation and best use of the water and wetland resources of the state are vital to the economy and well-being of the state and its people."
The Fanno Creek Watershed spans 20,000 acres in SW and west Portland. Learn about the diverse fish & wildlife in this area.
Wonderful environmental partners, they work to protect and advocate for trees in urban Washington County.
A community based organization that protects & restores the Tualatin River watershed through advocacy, restoration work, river access & education.
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